Monday, September 16, 2013

Austin Energy Looks to Hire at Austin Community College Job Fair

Senior Austin Energy IT staff interview applicants at a recent job fair in Austin
Austin Energy's IT department has posted four positions they hope to hire this week from applicants at Austin Community College’s job fair at ACC Highland (in the former Highland Mall Dillard’s). The job fair is open from 3 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, September 17. Applicants for the four IT positions will be screened by HR and IT hiring managers during the job fair, and candidate interviews are planned for Wednesday.

At a similar event for military Veterans two weeks ago, Austin Energy IT made contingent job offers to two successful candidates identified and interviewed at a job fair.

Interested applicants should check out Austin Energy’s job listings at and bring their resume and be prepared to meet with a hiring manager for a screening interview if requested. 

Find out more about the ACC Highland job fair, part of the ACC’s 40th Anniversary Event at More than 200 employers will participate, offering full-time, part-time and intern opportunities, for students, graduates and alumni.