Friday, August 30, 2013

Veterans Job Fair Today at Palmer Events Center

Austin Energy is among several dozen companies and City departments reaching out to military Veterans at a job fair today at the Palmer Events Center. With openings for engineers, scientists, financial, and a wide variety of technical positions, Veterans bring recognizable skills and training that Austin Energy can use.

The particular emphasis at Friday’s job fair is recruiting IT professionals. Austin Energy Chief Information Officer Alan Claypool, a United States Air Force Veteran, and several of his senior managers are present conducting on-the-spot interviews with potential hires and are working with AE’s Human Resources staff to make contingent offers today if they find the right candidates.

Find out more about Austin Energy and other City of Austin Jobs and apply online at The job fair at Palmer ends at 3 p.m. today. Locator map:

Job-seeking Veterans meet with Austin Energy Human Resources, Power Production and Information Technology staff at a Veterans Job Fair featuring several dozen Austin area companies and City departments today at Palmer Events Center.

Senior Austin Energy IT staff interview job applicants at a Veterans Job Fair today at Palmer Events Center.

Austin Energy's Rich Wilkes, Decker Creek Power Station Maintenance Supervisor, talks to a potential applicant at today's Veterans Job Fair.